dear readers, please understand that my sentiments are entirely opposite of those expressed by this character in the film "o brother, where art thou." the foppish mcgill delivers many memorable lines. another of my favorites occurs when he's on the run with two other scavenging jailbirds and offered a portion of roasted gopher. his response: "no thank you delmar. one third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without bedding it down."
No worries, Damien. Even a reader who has very little knowledge of your family (such as I) can tell that you love your wife and daughters immensly. I sensed the irony from hundreds of miles away. :)
I like words, images, graphic design, well-turned phrases, doodling, humor and profundity. These are found in every quarter and I'm always on the hunt. I was rescued (in November, 1974) from guilt and a stubborn irrational belief in an impersonal chance universe (with the accompanying hopelessness). I'm now convinced that nothing is more obvious or worthy of our attention than our Creator and the one true ancient path. Only Jesus has the words of everlasting life. Like John Newton "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see."
dear readers,
please understand that my sentiments are entirely opposite of those expressed by this character in the film "o brother, where art thou." the foppish mcgill delivers many memorable lines. another of my favorites occurs when he's on the run with two other scavenging jailbirds and offered a portion of roasted gopher. his response:
"no thank you delmar. one third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without bedding it down."
No worries, Damien. Even a reader who has very little knowledge of your family (such as I) can tell that you love your wife and daughters immensly. I sensed the irony from hundreds of miles away. :)
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