Tuesday, July 09, 2013

alas, i'm done. blogger has switched things up to the point that i can't figure out how to work it anymore. unless it goes back to the way it was i'll have to say adieu.


M.K. said...

Oh no, Damien! I read your posts every day! What's wrong? Perhaps some of us readers can help you sort it out.

Belinda said...

You have a good blog. I hope you continue.

Tonja said...

:( Maybe you can find a new place to post. I will miss you if you go away.

Lowen said...

don't do that!

Flyaway said...

Boo hoo!

chrisy05t said...

Oh No! Let us know if you start another blog somewhere else please!

chalice said...

noooooo!!! what in the world?! i'm gonna look into this....we can make it work!

K Bushaw said...

whoa what? the world just stopped spinning or somethin?

Joe said...

I hope you can fix the problems. You havea great blog you've got here. I'll miss it.

Anonymous said...

Oh No! What will I do without the Fingerpost? Melin XO

linnea said...

wait, you can't stop now!!!!

here's an idea...start a fingerpost facebook page and update new status everyday???...just an idea..


Papa said...

How about what Linnea said? Do it via facebook! That would work would it not?

Jerimee said...

Want me to set up a wordpress site? People find wordpress easy to use generally...

Unrelated, my "please prove your not a robot" word was orgasedz - nifty!

grey rose (they/them) said...

seriously, if you desire to continue, perhaps i can help you!

and i like the facebook idea, and will also suggest instagram! :)

be well, friend!

Anonymous said...

do it on facebook!! yes!
