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andy warhol
Art is art. Everything else
is everything else.
-Ad Reinhardt
I paint with shapes.
-Alexander Calder
robert lemar
Always go to the bathroom when you
have a chance.
-King George V
Bring in the bottled lightning,
a clean tumbler, and a corkscrew.
-Charles Dickens
Apart from me you can do
-Jesus (John 15:5)
Please dash me off a letter. Put in as many
jabs and jibes and sarcasms as you have in
stock. Blow me a refreshing breeze.
-Mark Twain
Joy is a net of love by which you
can catch souls.
-Mother Teresa
Distracted from distraction
by distraction.
-T. S. Eliot
christopher marley
Man gave names to all the animals,
in the beginning.
-Bob Dylan
Apparently, we are both suffering
from a deplorable lack of curiosity.
-The Sound of Music
Failure is success if we learn from it.
-Malcolm Forbes
A ll flesh is like grass, and all
its glory like the flower of
the grass.
-1 Peter 1:24
No one ever told me that grief
felt so like fear.
-C. S. Lewis
(click here)
Decide what to be and go be it.
-The Avett Brothers, Head Full of Doubt
As soon as I hear a sound,
it always suggests a mood
to me.
-Brian Eno
We don't need no stinking badges!
-Treasure of the Sierra Madre
ernest shepard
I've got nothing to do today
but smile.
-Paul Simon
Of all the the senses, sight must
be the most delightful.
-Helen Keller
This train is bound for glory.
-traditional American gospel song
Surprise me.
-Bob Hope (last words, spoken to his wife when asked
where he wanted to be buried)
mark rothko
I merely took the energy
it takes to pout and wrote
some blues.
-Duke Ellington
pieter claesz
To the artist there is never anything
ugly in nature.
-Auguste Rodin
Love is an exploding cigar we
willingly smoke.
-Lynda Barry
Socialism, in general, has a record
of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell
The fanatical Church of Global
Warming is a hate-filled conventicle
of intolerant zealots.
-Peter Hitchens
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost
Reason should direct and appetite obey.
A handful of patience
is worth more than a
bushel of brains.
-Dutch proverb
I was born with a plastic spoon
in my mouth.
-Pete Townshend
I only go out to get me a fresh
appetite for being alone.
-Lord Byron
Most of the change we think we
see in life is due to truths being
in and out of favor.
-Robert Frost