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Here's a peek at one of the
fine commemorative stamps
that will be appearing in 2013.
New Year's resolution: repent
of unimaginative postage.
Courage is a kind of salvation.
I always wanted to be somebody,
but now I realize I should have
been more specific.
-Lily Tomlin
If there were no God,
there would be no atheists.
-G. K. Chesterton
I've managed to avoid
tattoos so far.
-Mick Jagger
All of history is God's preparation
for the final table of rejoicing, the
great supper of the Lamb.
-Douglas Wilson
A difference of taste in
jokes is a great strain on
the affections.
-George Eliot
If you are really thankful, what
do you do? You share.
-W. Clement Stone
Thanksgiving, man. Not
a good day to be my pants.
-Kevin James
We are all geniuses up
to the age of ten.
-Aldous Huxley
At times in my life the only place
I have been happy is when I'm
on stage.
-Bob Dylan
Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll
marry a music man.
-Elton John, Tiny Dancer
actually, bernie taupin wrote the lyrics.
mordecai ardon
S trive for peace with everyone,
and for the holiness without
which no one will see the Lord.
-Hebrews 12:14
Cats are intended to teach us
that not everything in nature
has a function.
-Garrison Keillor
People do not like to think. If one
thinks, one must reach conclusions.
Conclusions are not always pleasant.
-Helen Keller
Dignify and glorify common labor.
It is at the bottom of life that we
must begin, not at the top.
-Booker T. Washington
mordecai ardon
One good thing about
music, when it hits you,
you feel no pain.
-Bob Marley
The best laid schemes o' Mice
an' Men, gang aft agley.
-Robert Burns
It's a dangerous business,
Frodo, going out your door.
-J. R. R. Tolkien
E very house is built
by someone, but the
builder of all things
is God.
-Hebrews 3:4
For well you know that it's a fool
who plays it cool by making the
world a little colder.
-Paul McCartney, Hey Jude
(have no idea what this means but it sounds very profound and is stuck in my head)
Expectation is the root of all
-William Shakespeare
I have no plans, and no
plans to plan.
-Mario Cuomo
In politics shared hatreds are almost
always the basis of friendships.
-Alexis de Tocqueville
People who enjoy meetings should
not be in charge of anything.
-Thomas Sowell
Land really is the best art.
-Andy Warhol
A thorough knowledge of the
Bible is worth more than a
college education.
-Theodore Roosevelt
We are a democracy, and as such
do not generally elect our best people.
How could we? They weren't running.
-David Mamet
8 Our government spends seven million
dollars every minute.
8 It takes 8 1/2 minutes for light from the
sun to reach the earth.
8 70% of the dust in your home is from
human skin.
A great city is not to be
confounded with a
populous one.