Wednesday, September 26, 2007

photograph by carina romano

Life's a voyage that's
homeward bound.
-Herman Melville


Brae Howard said...

true. i'm excited for all the adventures that my 20's will be, but maybe just so that i gather the variety of insight and exposure to people and community that will make my future home more interesting and light.

light, as in bright.


these days i ride my bike from place to place, appointment to appointment, all the while trying to figure out how and why people, and what they do, are important.

i have common sense. but i'm trying to make sense of it all in my mind.

Damien said...

now that's what i call a comment.

kate said...

Isn't the answer to your question what you learned as a little girl? Why people and what they do is important is because we are created by God, in His image and on purpose-those are 3 good reasons to notice and respect one another, dontchathink?

funke said...

I really like this picture. Not only does it remind me of Arrested Development (one of my fav shows and not just because of the Funkes), but also suggests that people are too big for their homes here. That doll house speaks impermanence. The facelessness of the model also suggests that things are not yet come to pass...