Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Be generous with kindly
words, especially about
those who are absent.


Anonymous said...

when your blog pops up on my screen, I only see about 75% of the photo, and this I find a beneficial experience. Like reading a book instead of seeing a movie, my brain has a chance to be creative for a moment as I ponder what thoughts are coming to mind. Empty chairs...kind words...absent people. Oh, to be able to apply this from the heart.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I explained that well. When I see a portion of the picture, I'm not seeing the quote, until I choose to scroll down or enlarge. Then when I see the thought for the day, I am in awe of Sir Damien's creative genius

Damien said...

dawn, thank you for your kind and encouraging thoughts. it means everything to me that you enjoy and interact with fingerpost.

Anonymous said...

it's not as good as conversing with you in person, but it will have to do : )