Monday, September 12, 2011

walt kendall, 1955 - 2011

Precious in the sight
of the Lord is the death
of his saints.

-Psalm 116:15


Belinda said...

What does it mean?
Regards, Belinda

Damien said...

this dear friend passed away tonight. we are grieving, but able to rejoice because of our faithful savior jesus christ (our only comfort in life and death).

Lowen said...

A few months ago, When Walt and I last spoke (one of the few times we ever spoke) his message to me was similar. we spoke about the life and death of the martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He recommended that I read a biography that had recently been written by Eric Mataxes. I finally started reading it yesterday, and I'm two chapters in, and it's excellent.

Though I didn't know him well, Walt was one of those Godly men who spoke with humility and authority. When he said for me to check out the book, I set out the very next day to secure a copy.