Friday, July 06, 2007

There is no better screen
to block out the Spirit
than confidence in our own
-John Calvin


Charlotte said...

my name is Charlotte and I know some of your children. I met you once in the Covenant cafeteria, and then again when Lowen graduated. just want you to know that I enjoy your blog and would like to ask if I may link your blog on my blog?

Best to you and yours,
Charlotte Okie

Damien said...

charlotte, i would be honored to be linked to your blog. thank you so much for the encouragement.

Vincent Howard said...

Uncle Damien,

did Calvin really say that?

Damien said...

you've got google. check it for yourself.

faith said...

I really like this quote. Although, I like almost all of your quotes, so that isn't saying anything. heh. But this one makes you think. I like that.

Kiko and/or Vincent said...

Why turn to google for good quotes when I've got you? I enjoy that statement of Calvin's immensely because it rings true and convicting, and directly conflicts with an assumption many of his detractors seem to hold about his presumptuous intellect-- these are usually the ones who haven't read him.