Monday, July 09, 2007

When I was sick and lay a-bed,
I had two pillows at my head,
And all my toys beside me lay,
To keep me happy all the day.
-Robert Louis Stevenson, The Land of Counterpane


Eliam en Joni Vlijm said...

Dear Damien,

We've been checking your blog for some weeks now and really enjoy the daily thoughts/quotes/etc.
We added a link on our blog if thats ok.

grt from the netherlands, eliam en joni

(ps. we know Anna Sorrell and through her blog we found out about yours)

Anonymous said...

Fingerpost WORLDWIDE!


Damien said...

eliam en joni,
how wonderful to know you are enjoying fingerpost. i'm very encouraged. thank you so much for letting me know you're out there.