Friday, August 31, 2007

There is no frigate
like a book
To take us lands away.
-Emily Dickinson
(HT:Kyrie...for reminding me of My Father's Dragon)


annie said...

oh oh oh oh oh, i dearly want the covers of all three of those beloved books blown up and framed on my wall. i looked into it a few weeks ago... but they don't sell posters of them or anything, which made me sad. it might have to be a DIY project. hm.

but it made me happy to see it here!

My Thoughts Exactly said...

I love that quote! And the next part: "not any coursers like a page/of prancing poetry." That quote has always been my favorite for capturing my strong love for the written word. Your quotes should be made into a book.

Damien said...

i'll keep my eye out for that artwork annie; and thank you for your sweet encouragement bethy. you keep me going.

Anonymous said...

oh how i love those illustrations..because they remind of beautiful times or because they are just charming images i'm not sure. but it was a relief to my eyes to see something so familiar.